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    카테고리 없음 2021. 4. 21. 23:55

    The Bedford Incident ... Richard Widmark portrays the captain of a newly launched U.S. Destroyer who is obsessed with hunting down a particular Soviet submarine .... 1h 42m 1965. The Bedford Incident. Overview; Synopsis; Credits; Photos & Videos; Film Details; Articles & Reviews; Quotes; Notes .... Produced in 1965, this British film was shot mostly in England, but it portrays an elite US Navy crew led by Richard Widmark (Captain Eric Finlander, USN) on a ...

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    The Bedford Incident. The Bed ford Incident is an excellent contemporary sea drama based on a little-known but day-to-day reality of the Cold War, the .... Nerve-racking suspense surrounds THE BEDFORD INCIDENT, the tale of a U.S. Naval vessel on a routineNATO patrol that ends up in a freakish showdown .... The Bedford Incident takes as its premise the folly of military aggression within the Cold War context of the mid-'60s. This anti-cold war film, made at the height of ...

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    Summary. The ruthless captain of a US destroyer develops an obsession with tracking down a Russian submarine. As he drives his men harder, he fails to ... music apps on android

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    Nerve-racking suspense surrounds THE BEDFORD INCIDENT, the tale of a U.S. Naval vessel on a routineNATO patrol that ends up in a freakish showdown .... The Bedford Incident (1965) ... An American destroyer Captain is determined to confront a Soviet submarine caught violating territorial waters. Perhaps too .... The Bedford Incident is a film directed by James B. Harris with Richard Widmark, Sidney Poitier, James MacArthur, Martin Balsam, Wally Cox .... Year: 1965.. During a routine patrol, a reporter is given permission to interview a a hardened cold-war warrior and captain of the American destroyer USS Bedford.. Produced in 1965, this British film was shot mostly in England, but it portrays an elite US Navy crew led by Richard Widmark (Captain Eric Finlander, USN) on a ... the 3 dollar movie theater

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    Screen: Fictional Navy:' Bedford Incident' Grim Movie on Cold War ... New York Times subscribers* enjoy full access to TimesMachine—view over 150 years of New .... The Bedford Incident (aka Aux Postes De Combat) is a 1965 British-American Cold War film starring Richard Widmark and Sidney Poitier and co-produced by Widmark. The cast also features Eric Portman, James MacArthur, Martin Balsam and Wally Cox, as well as early appearances by Donald Sutherland and Ed Bishop.. Nerve-racking suspense surrounds The Bedford Incident, the tale of a U.S. Naval vessel on a routine NATO patrol that ends up in a freakish showdown with a .... Movie Info. Reporter Ben Munceford (Sidney Poitier) is aboard a U.S. Navy ship sailing near the Arctic Circle, on assignment to write a profile of Capt. Eric .... The Bedford Incident ... A serviceable but not very exceptional cold-war thriller (1965) by onetime Kubrick producer James B. Harris (The Killing, Paths of Glory, .... Nerve-racking suspense surrounds THE BEDFORD INCIDENT, the tale of a U.S. Naval vessel on a routine NATO patrol that ends up in a freakish showdown .... His salty character clashes with a quick-witted journalist (Sydney Poiter) who is on board to cover the trip for a ... fc1563fab4 books on cars

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